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Integration of Faith and Learning Character Assignment

Integration of Faith and Learning Character Assignment

Q INTEGRATION OF FAITH AND LEARNING:CHARACTER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWMBA programs around the country are starting to require their students to become more effective writers. This is in response to industry’s urging for grad schools to improve the writing skills of graduate students. Writing at the MBA level should be informative, colorful, and nuanced, and the writing should include simple words vs. complicated (especially if used out of context). This assignment requires the integration of directly quoted Bible verse directly with the selected marketing management topic. Be sure this applies specifically to marketing management, not management or business in general.INSTRUCTIONSAristotle defined character as “the decisions a person makes when the choice is not obvious.” Another well-known definition of character is the way people act when no one is looking. Firms that have “character” tend to perform better over time.1. Find at least 1 Scripture verse that is related to character and to a firm that has character.2. In a 500-word (12 point, double-spaced) document that is in current APA format, discuss your Scripture verse within the context of marketing management.3. Relate this to a specific for-profit brand or business organization of your choosing.4. Use two scholarly sources as references.Discuss how Christian faith impacts marketing management decisions in the selected organization, including how faith was the source of its marketing management decisions, and how many company founders have demonstrated such faith.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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Joshua 1:9 states, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” This verse implies that every Christian must ensure that there is mental, psychological and spiritual strength acquired from Jesus Christ for taking ethical and moral decisions in life. There must be courage shown to not doubt the spiritual assistance obtained from Christ by Christians. There must not be fear developed in the mind of any Christian while taking a correct decision and acting in a Christ-like manner. The present COVID-19 situation had been a situation in which there had been many retail organizations closing down or not earning profits as they used to earn before. The Home Depot had also been an organization which had faced the issue of earning consistent and high margins of profits as before. There had been irregularities faced from lower-level employees as many employees had been absent frequently without informing the authorities of Home Depot (Durugbo et al., 2021). However, there could not be terminating of employees because of consideration of their fear of getting contaminated from COVID-19. The mental resilience of the CEO and top-level executives of Home Depot had been commendable. This is because they had not lost faith in Christ. They had made marketing management decisions by being selfless. They had kept the same kind of diversified products as they used to keep in their retail stores before the pandemic situation (Durugbo et al., 2021).